baby at hospital

What should I do if I have a medical emergency while traveling with my baby?

Mar 13, 2023

Traveling with a baby is an exciting adventure, but it can also bring unexpected challenges, such as a medical emergency. If you find yourself in this situation, it's crucial to stay calm and act quickly to ensure your baby receives the appropriate care. Here are 11 points to consider and ideas of what to do if you have a medical emergency while traveling with your baby.


What should I do if I have a medical emergency while traveling with my baby?


11 points to consider:


Stay Calm

The first thing to do in a medical emergency is to stay calm. Taking a deep breath can help you focus on the situation at hand and make the best decisions for your baby.


Evaluate the Situation

Assess the severity of the medical emergency. Is it something that can wait until you return home, or is it urgent and requires immediate attention?


Are you a parent planning a flight with your baby or toddler? Make your journey a breeze with our comprehensive ebook: "Baby on Board: Your Guide to Stress-Free Air Travel with Little Ones."


Seek Medical Help

If your baby needs immediate medical attention, don't hesitate to call for emergency services. In many countries, you can dial 911 or the local emergency number to request assistance. It's best to know this before arriving at your destination.



Check Your Travel Insurance

Review your travel insurance policy to see if it covers medical emergencies. If it does, follow the procedures outlined in the policy to get the necessary help. If you choose not to have insurance, make sure you are familiar with and aware of the medical procedures at your destination. Just in case!


Find a Doctor

If your baby needs medical attention, but it's not an emergency, find a doctor or medical facility in the area. Your hotel concierge or local tourist office can help you find a reputable healthcare provider. Google maps and local Facebook groups are your best bet, but another tip is to ask local parents at playgrounds or parks.


Contact Your Doctor Back Home

If your baby has an existing medical condition, contact your doctor back home for advice on how to proceed. They may be able to provide guidance on what to do or recommend a specialist in the area.



Keep Important Documents Handy

Make sure you have your baby's medical records and insurance information with you at all times. We guarantee this by taking a photo of each important document and saving it under our favorites or "Important Documents" folder on our phone. This way if you don't ever have a physical record, you at least have a digital version you can access from anywhere. This will be helpful in case of an emergency, and you need to provide information to medical professionals.


Be Prepared

Pack a first aid kit with essential items such as band-aids, antiseptic cream, and medication for your baby's existing medical conditions. This can help you handle minor medical issues while traveling. Make sure to keep this with you at all times though! NO use having an emergency kit at the hotel if you or your baby get injured out and about.


Stay Hydrated

In case of a medical emergency, it's essential to keep your baby hydrated. Carry enough water and snacks for your baby to avoid dehydration. A lot of ailments while traveling can be traced back to dehydration, especially on flight day. 



Stay Alert

Keep a close eye on your baby after a medical emergency to ensure that their condition doesn't worsen. If you notice any changes, seek medical attention immediately.


Take Care of Yourself

Remember to take care of yourself during a medical emergency. You won't be able to help your baby effectively if you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. Take breaks, eat well, and get enough rest to be able to handle the situation.


In conclusion, a medical emergency while traveling with your baby can be scary, but staying calm, seeking medical help, and being prepared can make a world of difference. Keep these points in mind, and you'll be able to handle any situation that comes your way. Safe travels!


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Thank you for reading and we hope you enjoyed it. 


Travel Family Academy Team
