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A Guide to Networking with Family Travel Creators

Sep 15, 2023


In the expansive realm of family travel content creation, building meaningful connections can be the key to unlocking incredible opportunities. Whether you're just starting or looking to expand your horizons, this guide will show you how to connect with fellow family travel creators, collaborate effectively, and grow together in this exciting niche.


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Why Networking Matters in Family Travel Content Creation

Networking is often touted as a cornerstone of success in many fields, and family travel content creation is no exception. It's more than just swapping business cards; it's about fostering relationships that can lead to collaborations, knowledge sharing, and mutually beneficial growth. By building a network within this niche, you gain access to a wealth of experience, support, and ideas that can propel your content to new heights.

When we started building our new instagram from scratch, I remember making it a point to "build a community of traveling families" and this is exactly what led to our first successes as creators in this realm. Being able to connect with other families inspired us, gave us ideas of where to go and what to do, and provided me with the support and ongoing comradely only someone else in my same (or similar) position could've offered. 


Check out the 7 strategies to build your community on instagram! Read Here!


Where to Find Like-Minded Family Travel Creators

Now that you understand why networking is crucial, let's explore where you can find these like-minded family travel creators. Social media platforms, particularly Instagram and Facebook, are hotspots for content creators sharing their adventures. Joining family travel forums and communities is another goldmine for connecting with fellow creators. And don't forget about industry events and conferences, where you can meet face-to-face with potential collaborators and industry experts.

  • Some of our favorite ways to find other likeminded creators: hashtags, Facebook groups, recommendations via your instagram stories, SEO ( blogs) and reels of course! 
  • One more sneaky one is reels audio: oftentimes if you like a song, the people who used that song are like minded and have similar lifestyles. It's not always the case but I've certainly found several travel mom friends from audios.


Learn how to turn your memorable moments into monetizing moments. READ HERE


The Art of the Icebreaker - Initiating the Conversation

So, you've identified some creators you'd like to connect with. Now, how do you break the ice? Crafting the perfect introduction message is a good start. Make it personal, highlighting what you admire about their work and why you'd like to connect. Engaging comments on their content can also spark conversations. Attending meetups and conferences is perhaps the most effective way to initiate conversations since you'll be in a setting designed for networking.

Remember that generic messages like emojis or "that's so beautiful" almost never get attention from anyone. Be authentic and real when engaging with others and then move to the DMs about personal topics you both seem to have in common.

Facebook groups are another great place to find friends.


Building Authentic Relationships

In networking, authenticity is your secret weapon. Be genuine and sincere in your interactions. Offer help and support without expecting anything in return. Authentic relationships are built on trust, and trust can open doors to collaborations and shared opportunities that benefit everyone involved.


Collaboration - The Magic of Two (or More)

One of the most exciting aspects of networking with family travel creators is the potential for collaboration. The benefits are immense - shared creativity, wider reach, and exposure to new audiences. Learn how to propose a collaboration that aligns with your goals and showcases your unique strengths. Effective communication and synergy with your collaborators are key to successful projects.

Especially now that you can collaborate on instagram reels with more than 1 creator (up to 5 as of the writing of this post) you can leverage this extra reach and exposure to grow both your audiences. 



Staying Connected and Growing Together

Maintaining relationships in the fast-paced world of family travel content creation can be challenging, but it's essential. Keep in touch with your network regularly. Consider group collaborations and initiatives that leverage the collective power of your network. Sharing opportunities within your network is another way to ensure everyone continues to grow together.

Remember your social media outlets are not owned by you, unless you're Mark Zuckerberg (in which case, can we please fix glitches on insta before introducing new features, please????) so the best way to stay current with those in your community is to get them on an email list. Building an email list is crucial and one of the most vital things you will do as a creator. 

Which reminds me, want to stay in the know about all things travel, get updates on our products, happenings and world adventures, and continue being part of a thriving community of travel mamas? Join our newsletter mail list!!!


Adapting to the Ever-Evolving World of Family Travel Content

The digital landscape is constantly changing, and so is family travel content creation. Stay updated on industry trends, embrace new platforms, and learn from your network. Collaborate on staying ahead of the curve and adapting to the latest technologies and strategies.


Stuck on where to start your travel family journey? Let us help! Grab our FREE guide to 100 Family Travel Niche Ideas.



Becoming a successful family travel content creator isn't just about creating great content; it's also about connecting with others who share your passion. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll not only grow your network but also create lasting relationships with fellow creators. Remember, in the world of family travel content, collaboration is the passport to success.



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Best Wishes,