Top 10 Tips and Hacks to Fly with a Baby

Sep 28, 2022


After many trips that we’ve done with our baby we decided to put these tips and hacks to travel with a baby together.

That way we can help anyone who might be feeling a bit overwhelmed about doing their first trip with their baby.

We hope this is helpful to you and we wish you a very good first trip! 


Have a checklist 

Many people, including myself have frowned upon a checklist. I personally always thought of them as a bit overrated. 

But once I became a mum I realised how important and precious checklists truly were! I swear by them now, it made packing and being prepared for trips so much easier, and less overwhelming. 

It helped with that feeling we sometimes have. The “I have forgotten something” one; Checklists help keeping our heads focused and it ensures you have everything you need. 

So we recommend creating a checklist for you and your family to help prepare to a trip. 


Book flights during sleep times 

When it’s your first time flying as a family, we believe that you should start small, and build into it. Because, this way you will build the confidence to go further and to keep going. 

When it comes to flying with your baby (or any other kind of travel to be fair) we suggest you start easy. And one way of doing that is to travel during sleep times, as it makes the travel part less overwhelming. 

So when you get in the plane they will sleep and it will be much easier for you and for your baby.



Tire them out 

And what better thing to help with getting them to sleep than by getting their energies out. 

So a good way to do this is to arrive at the airport, with enough time. Enough time to check in, go through security and still spare time in the terminal. This is to allow your baby to crawl or walk around inside the terminal before boarding. 

We recommend that you try this. But just enough for them to be tired by the time you get in the airplane, and be careful to not over do it.

I over reached once and instead of a tired baby I had an over-over-tired baby. Which led to a lot of fussiness and some cries in the airplane! 


Feed to take off and landing

This is a really good way to help with the ear pressure and allow the baby to adjust to different altitudes without it being painful. 

Whether you breastfeed, bottle feed or give them snacks, all of these work really well to help with this. 

An extra tip is to massage the ears and temples as well.

Just note that if your baby/kid is crying during these times that the reason is most likely the ear pressure. So its good to be prepared to sooth, feed or massage them to comfort. 



Remember to take snacks

Snacks are great for feeding during flights and also great for entertainment!

Having a variety of snacks while travelling with your baby was super successful for us. It helped keeping Flynn entertained and kept his tummy full.

You can go through airport security with food and liquids over 100ml if they are for your baby. What we normally tend to take with us is: food pouches, a full water bottle, and a full bottle of milk.

  • They do check the liquids at security. But they only take the containers and put them through a different machine to check and that is it.

If one of your fears was not being able to take liquids or milk for your baby, don’t be. You are allowed to take these with you, whether its pumped milk, formula or just normal milk.


Best Snacks For Travel

Just wanted to add as well, what kind of snacks are good for travelling, or rather the ones we would recommend:

  • Definitely recommend fruit and vegetable pouches as they are simple and easy to use. Fruits like banana, apple or tangerines are also good – just be careful they are not too ripe! Wouldn’t recommend pears or peaches as they can get smooshed.
  • If you have small containers to put snacks in or even chopped fruit we would recommend using them, so that its safer against crumbling or getting smashed in the bag.
    • We actually use really good ones that come in two different sizes I will link them here for you in case you need them. (click here)

But yea, I would say that food is a very subjective topic to be honest, I can be here recommending all the best foods. But if your kid doesn’t like them there is no point on carrying them. So take what you think is the types of food that will be more successful for your family.

Oh and I will add one more thing: The week before a trip try to not give them these snacks. Because when you bring them out during the trip, the kids will be super excited.



Don't Over Pack

I know and understand that the concept of not overpacking and carrying too much is hard. 

Specially with babies, and specially your first trip as a family! So I will recommend this however, please do as you feel comfortable. I have said it many times but you will definitely learn by experience. And once you have done the first trip you will learn what to take and what not to take next time.

With that said, we try to pack as light as possible. We take essentials in terms of clothing and products that we use daily that there is no point on buying once at the destination. 


If the answer is yes, then we don’t worry too much about extras. Because we know that if we need anything we can just buy it there. 

In terms of emergency/first aid items, we always carry Paracetamol (pain killer) for both adults and baby, we also take our themometer, and rash cream

We have had a few incidents where we needed paracetamol over night, and having it with us was a life saver because we can’t really buy it at that time. We have also had a few nose blocks while away so we always carry saline solution to clear the baby’s nose. Anything else we tend to buy at the destination if needed. 

We also carry baby nail clippers, depending on how long we are travelling for. 

This once again is a very subjective topic, because it depends what’s going on in your family’s life at the moment. For instance, if your baby is teething you will probably take some teething gel or something of the sort. So evaluate your situation and pack accordingly. 



Extra clothes in hand luggage for emergencies

This is an important recommendation and here is why: poop.

We have a fairly big pooper in our life and we very often have poop explosions and always at the most awkward times. So we learned the hard way that we always need to carry extra clothes for emergencies. 

We have heard from many people, that they forgot the change of clothes and the baby had to go naked! Oh and believe me, that if any baby is going have one of these explosions is going to be when you least expect it so being prepared is better! 

Also carry a plastic or water proof bag so you can place the dirties after. 

What I would also suggest is to have spare clothing for yourself. However, know that we have never needed them! But we know of parents that have, so I guess better safe than sorry?! We will leave this one up to you, but we thought it was worth mentioning


Take a carrier 

Wearing your baby in and out of the plane is the easiest way to do it. Because you will have yout hands free for hand luggage and won’t have to run after your baby or toddler while trying to board the airplane. 

We will talk about the stroller at the next point; but once you drop off your stroller, this is by far the best way to carry them in. Instead of having to hold them and carry any extra items you have with you. 

We forgot our carrier once and dealing with a wiggling baby that doesn’t want to be carried was not fun. Specially because you have to stay there and can’t be running up and down to chase them. 

Something else we would suggest, is to get them used to being carried in the carrier. So that when you have to use it for travel its not a new thing that might send them into a tantrum. So start using it on a daily basis or every other day so that their response is more natural and easier for you to handle. 


Don't let flight fears hold you back. Secure your seat in our free intro class and learn how to fly stress-free with your babies and toddlers. Sign up today!


Easy foldable stroller

Next up we have the stroller. 

One recommendation we have is for you to get those strollers that are travel size and fit on the over-head compartiment. Of course not everyone has one, we don’t, but we will hopefully be getting one very soon. 

Anyway, if you take your stroller with you, make sure you take it all the way to the gate. But before that you will need to check it in at the desk, where they will put a label on it, and then you can carry it all the way to the gate. 

Check up on the size of your stroller wheels, as sometimes they will have to take these out to go through the security scans. So if you have a stroller with big wheels, we would recommend learning how to take them off and putting them back on prior to your travel day. 


Is an easy fold travel size stroller (these don’t have to be small enough to fit the over head compartiment). They have smaller wheels, fold super easily and are relativily compact. Which is good to go through security and great to save space in the boot of the car and so on. 

The reason we recommend you take the stroller all the way to the gate is: you can put your child inside of it, to go through passport control and things of the sort. Also, when you have the baby running or crawling around you can place all your hand luggage on the stroller, instead of carrying it all. 


Be prepared to adapt and be flexible 

One of our last points is to be prepared. You never know what is going to happen, and being prepared and ready to adapt will be your super power as a parent. 

Accept that things sometimes will go wrong, or you won’t be able to see/visit something because the family is tired or they’d rather do something else. 

When they are small, children require more play time and more down time, which makes it hard to plan a trip because its so unpredictable. 

Plan Ahead

So we recommend you plan or research places to visit, but also research playgrounds, water feautures, museums, zoos, aquariums, etc. Anything that is interactive and more on the fun side for your kids. 

Its all about finding a balance between sightseeing, exploring and playing. 

Oh and don’t understimate down time. Having a day of rest inbetween exploring days is a must as a parent. So trust your gut, believe in yourself, and take it easy. 

A day spent at the beach or by the pool, while the kids play around and you enjoy some cocktails is as needed as seeing new things! 


Bonus Topics:

Lastly here are a few regulations to note for your first travels: 

  • Your baby will need the same documents as you wherever you go (so if you need a passport, they will too).
    • UK: Passports are needed for any flights internationally, or national flights
    • Europe: you can use ID cards, but if going outside of Europe you will need the Passport. 
    • If you travel internationally I would also recommend taking a birth certificate in case of emergencies
  • If you buy your baby (under 2) a seat you can take a car seat to sit in the plane, but they have to be flight approved – there is a label on the car seat that will tell you that.
    • After the 2 years mark you have to purchase the seat, and in Europe is not common to take your car seat in the plane, but in US is much more common.
  • In European flights, you are not allowed to wear your baby (in a carrier). You will be given a seat belt attachment to tie your baby to you and they will need to have them sat facing forward on your lap during take off and landing.
    • In US they do not have this seatbelt system. You can wear your baby for the whole duration of the flight, or buy the extra seat for the car seat. 
  • If you are from Europe you can get a european health card in your country and use it around Europe and get the same benefits as you would in your country.
    • UK has a similar system, but in some cases you would need to pay in advance and you can claim it back when you return.
    • When travelling internationally I would recommend getting Travel Insurance just in case of emergencies so you are covered. 

To conclude…

We decided to put together this list of tips and hacks for travelling with a baby to help ease your mind for that first flight that we all have been scared of. 

This list will help you feel like you are in control and are more informed to take that first step.

And let us tell you this, the first trip is the hardest, not because its hard itself. But because of the build up to it. You are nervous, overwhelmed and stressed for the whole family, and its perfectly normal. But guess what, once you get to the destination you will realise you did it, and it wasn’t as hard as you thought. 

And from there you will learn from the things that worked really well and the things that didn’t so much so you will start changing things and adapting. 


What did you think about this topic?

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You can also subscribe to our mailing list where you can get updates on any new blog posts on travelling with babies/toddlers every week. 

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Thank you for reading and we hope you enjoyed it. 

Travel Family Academy Team
