family at hotel pool

The ABCs of Engagement: Winning Your Instagram Audience

Aug 04, 2023


Building an engaged community on Instagram isn’t just about the numbers. It’s about creating genuine connections with your followers and fostering an environment where they feel seen, heard, and valued. But how do you achieve this? Here are the ABCs of engagement that can help you win your Instagram audience.


If you are starting your Travel Instagram and Blog check these 5 key steps you should be considering when starting! Read Blog Here! 


A - Authenticity

To cultivate a genuine connection with your audience, being authentic is key. Showcase the real you, your family, your adventures, and even your struggles. Authenticity resonates with people and humanizes your brand.


  • Behind-the-Scenes

Go beyond the polished, picture-perfect posts by sharing behind-the-scenes content. Let your audience in on your daily routines, your preparations for trips, the mishaps, and the unplanned moments. This gives them a raw and unfiltered view of your world which they can relate to and appreciate.

  • Engage with Authentic Responses

Engagement is a two-way street. Respond to comments and DMs in a personalized manner. Avoid generic responses and take the time to engage meaningfully.


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B - Balance

Balancing your content is about creating a blend of educational, entertaining, and inspirational posts.


  • Content Variety

Don't just stick to one type of content. Mix up your posts with travel tips, family photos, blog updates, and user-generated content.

  • Balanced Hashtags

Hashtags can significantly expand your reach. Use a combination of popular and niche hashtags relevant to your post and your audience.

  • Balanced Posting

Neither overpost nor underpost. Find a balanced posting schedule that keeps your audience engaged without overwhelming them.



C - Consistency

Consistency in your content, your message, and your posting schedule can significantly impact your engagement rate.


  • Consistent Brand Voice

Maintain a consistent brand voice that aligns with your brand personality. This helps your audience form a distinct image of you and your brand.

  • Consistent Posting

Maintain a consistent posting schedule. Regularly posting content keeps your audience interested and engaged.

  • Consistent Themes

Sticking to consistent themes in your visuals and content also plays a big role in making your profile aesthetically pleasing and cohesive.



Are you thinking: how will I ever be able to get it all done? Read this blog post on how to balance it all! 


D - Dialogue

Create opportunities for dialogue. This can significantly increase your engagement rate and strengthen your connection with your audience.


  • Ask Questions

Encourage your followers to interact with you by asking questions. This not only increases engagement but also provides you with valuable insights about your audience.

  • Polls and Quizzes

Instagram stories offer features like polls and quizzes. Use these tools to interact with your followers and learn more about their preferences and opinions.

  • Respond to Comments and DMs

Take the time to respond to your followers' comments and DMs. This shows that you value their input and appreciate their interaction.



Here is your guide to monetize your instagram. READ HERE



Remember, Instagram is not just a platform to broadcast content but a space to engage, interact, and build relationships. By focusing on authenticity, balance, consistency, and dialogue, you can build a strong, engaged community on Instagram.

Now, you’re not just a Travel Mama but also an Instagram engagement expert. As you continue to nurture your audience, remember to also enjoy the journey. Happy posting, travel mamas!


If you're eager to learn more about becoming a travel influencer, grab our ebook. We've designed it to help you learn how to get paid and grow your online audience while not missing precious time with your family. Get it here


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Best Wishes,