two moms with babies

How to Make Money on Instagram in 2024: 9 Proven Steps for busy Moms

Jan 17, 2024

Hi there friend,

We get it – between managing tiny tots and (hopefully) planning epic getaways, time is a precious commodity. Who has hours to scroll endlessly or engage for what feels like an eternity before and after each post? Not you, and definitely not us!

In this fast-paced digital world, we're all about efficiency, and we totally understand that your schedule is packed tighter than a suitcase on a family vacation. So, buckle up, because today we're here to spill the beans on how we not only survived but thrived on Instagram, gaining a whopping 22 thousand followers in just one whirlwind year!


No endless scrolling, no marathon engagement sessions – just real talk on how you can make the most of your Instagram journey without sacrificing those precious moments with your little ones. Let's dive into the good stuff and get you on the road to Instagram success without feeling like you need an extra 24 hours in a day.

Ready, jet-set, go!


Alright, buckle up, and let's break down these 10 game-changing steps to help you turn your Instagram into a money-making machine:


1. Find Your Niche:

  • Unleash your passion! Whether it's travel, parenting, or both, carving out your niche makes you stand out in the Instagram crowd.


I'm sure you've heard it from a million self proclaimed instagram gurus: you have to niche down! But let's simplify and explain this for those of us who don't live and breathe instagram lingo:

You know when you make it to the park and you're excitedly talking to other moms about let's say, travel, and they're all looking at you like you're crazy because all they have time to worry about is the traffic to and from daycare?

You're not crazy and neither are them!!!! BUT you're barking at the wrong tree.

Now let's use that same scenario but this is a playground at the airport full of moms who love traveling with their kids.... I bet they'll quickly start sharing their destinations, travel plans, latest travel mishap or questions. 

Not being sure on WHO you are creating content for can lead you down a wild path of endless scrolling for inspiration, hopeless production of mediocre content, never seeing the growth you want, and the inevitable burnout so many creators complain about.

Instead, get super clear on these two things:

  • WHO are you creating content for?
  • WHAT do you hope to do with this audience/account? (because newsflash, not knowing your goals for your account is just committing to a VERY time consuming hobby).


PS: we created a beginners guide for YOU with over 300 ideas of niches you can pick for your instagram career! Grab it here for free!



2. Craft a Killer Bio:

  • Your bio is like your Instagram business card. Keep it snappy, showcase your mom-travel vibes ( or whatever else is your jam), and include a sprinkle of your personality.


Alright, let's dive into the world of crafting a killer bio – because your Instagram bio is basically your online business card, and we want it to shine like a diamond! 💎

I know, I know – everyone throws around the term "killer bio," but what does that really mean for moms like us who are balancing diapers, snacks, and wanderlust dreams? Let's break it down in our own language:

Imagine you're at a playdate, and you want to connect with other moms who share your love for travel. You don't start with a laundry list of your achievements; instead, you offer a snapshot of who you are.


Here's the deal:

  • Keep It Snappy: Your bio isn't the place for a novel. Moms are on the move, so keep it short, sweet, and to the point. Highlight the essence of your mom ( or business) vibes without overwhelming them with details.
  • Showcase Your Mom Vibes: Let your personality shine through! Mention your love for family adventures, your motherhood humor, the beauty in your businesses floral arrangements, and let them feel the excitement of your journey. Moms connecting with moms who get it – that's the magic! 
  • Include a Sprinkle of Your Personality: Don't be afraid to be yourself. Whether you're a witty wordsmith, a pun enthusiast, or just a mom with a heart full of wanderlust, let that personality sparkle in your bio. It's the secret sauce that makes you memorable.


Your bio is like the first impression you make at the playground. Make it warm, inviting, and uniquely you. Let those fellow moms know you're here for the same incredible journey. ✨

So, in a nutshell –Your Instagram bio is your mom tribe invitation, and we want every mom with a suitcase and a dream to join in the adventure!

Bonus: talk more about THEM than you but show off whatever you've accomplished that helps them understand you're worth a follow.

Extra Tip: if you have more than one link to share consider what's most important to share. Having a lot of available links doesn't translate to more sales/clicks.


3. Engaging Content is Key:

  • Moms love stories, right? Share your travel adventures, struggles, and triumphs. Make your content relatable and watch the engagement soar.


Let's chat about the heartbeat of your Instagram journey – creating content that not only captures attention but also sparks that genuine connection with your fellow mom tribe. Because let's be real, moms adore stories, and we're here to turn your mom adventures, struggles, and triumphs into captivating tales that resonate with every mom scrolling through.


Engaging Content is Key: Unlock the Magic of Mom Stories!

Imagine this: You're at a playdate, swapping stories with other moms about your recent family escapade. Their eyes light up as you share the hilarious travel mishaps, the heartwarming moments, and the triumphs of conquering a new destination with your little ones. That's the magic we want to bring to your Instagram feed!


Here's the playbook:

  • Share Your Travel - or mom life -  Adventures: Take your followers on a virtual journey with you! Whether it's a weekend road trip or an international expedition, let them experience the thrill through your lens. Bonus points for stunning visuals and candid snapshots of your family's adventures BUT this is by no means necessary for growth. IN 2023 we ditched the perfect feed with beautifully curated visuals for a more straight forward approach that allowed us to hook, entertain, and connect with our audience and we saw larger growth than ever without spending time beautifying the feed. 
  • Embrace the Struggles: We're all in this together, right? Don't shy away from sharing the less-than-glamorous moments. From airport meltdowns to unexpected detours, letting your followers see the real, unfiltered side of your travels makes you relatable and endearing. And if there is anything a mom dislikes more than sleepless nights is unrealistic mom life being portrayed as the norm.... KEEP IT REAL! Wether your business is happening on your kitchen table or you're feeling uninspired this week, your audience will relate to this and it will help you built a stronger relationship with them.
  • Celebrate the Triumphs: Every mom victory, big or small, deserves a spotlight. Did your toddler conquer their fear of flying? Did you discover a hidden gem that made the trip to the local playground unforgettable? Share those triumphs – they're not just yours; they're shared victories with your mom tribe.
  • Make Your Content Relatable: Speak the language of moms everywhere. More specifically: speak the language of YOUR TYPE of mom! Use captions that resonate with the highs and lows of motherhood. Whether it's a funny anecdote, a heartfelt reflection, or a tip that saved your sanity on the road, make it relatable.


PS: This blog post is focused on moms because we know you're likely one, but if you'd like to focus your instagram on your jewelry business or your indoor planting, the same rule applies. Use the language, tone, and topics that appeal to the person you're interested in connecting with.

As you weave your stories into your content, watch the engagement soar. Because when moms connect through shared experiences, your Instagram becomes a community, not just a feed. Get ready to inspire, uplift, and create a bond that goes beyond the screen!


Unlock the strategies for Instagram success! Dive deep into our ebook and learn the secrets savvy mompreneurs use to thrive online. Grab your copy now!


4. Quality Over Quantity:

  • It's not about bombarding your feed; it's about creating impactful posts. High-quality images and thoughtful captions grab attention.


Hey incredible moms, let's talk about a game-changing mantra for your Instagram journey – quality over quantity! In a world where our days are filled with the beautiful chaos of motherhood, it's not about bombarding your feed with endless posts; it's about crafting impactful, memorable moments. So, grab your virtual camera, and let's dive into the art of creating content that truly stands out.


Quality Over Quantity: Crafting Moments That Resonate!

Picture this: You're flipping through a family photo album, and each snapshot tells a story – a cherished moment frozen in time. That's the vibe we want to bring to your Instagram feed.

PRO TIP: we have nothing against producing a lot of content ESPECIALLY if this is for the purpose of testing what works BUT it's important for us that you know you do not need to produce 10 reels a day to succeed online. 


  • Capture High-Quality Images: Moms, your life is a series of precious moments, and your Instagram should reflect that. Invest a little extra time in capturing high-quality images. Whether it's a candid shot of your toddler's laughter or a breathtaking view from your latest trip, let each photo speak volumes about the  message, product or service you're selling. You don't need to spend thousands on gear but you should be investing time, effort and money on bettering your content.




  • Thoughtful Captions Make a Difference: Your captions are the storytellers of your posts. Don't rush through them; let them complement your images. Share the backstory, sprinkle in a dash of humor or emotion, and invite your followers into the narrative. Thoughtful captions transform a photo into a cherished memory.

Just as we say this though, don't feel like you need to write a novel on every caption. Some content pairs beautifully with a one liner caption whereas others will benefit from lengthy caption. The key is not to focus on the length of the caption but in the story you're telling.

For example: You don't want to over explain a joke ( this actually makes it NOT funny)  but you don't want to tell someone half a tip and leave them guessing (this type of post requires and benefits 👏- hello and welcome to all the views you reap as your audience reads your detail recipes, instructions or tips 😉- longer captions that keeps your audience reading and learning.


  • Why Quality Matters: In the world of endless scrolling, quality stands out. It's not about overwhelming your followers with a flood of posts; it's about creating a virtual experience that resonates. When your audience sees that each post is a carefully crafted moment, they'll be more inclined to stop, engage, and connect.

Tips for Maintaining Quality:

    • Prioritize moments over frequency. Quality content takes time, and that's perfectly okay.
    • Invest in good lighting. Natural light works wonders for creating stunning visuals.
    • Experiment with different angles and compositions to keep your feed visually dynamic.


Remember, it's not about how often you post; it's about the impact each post makes. Embrace the art of storytelling through quality storytelling through visuals and thoughtful captions, and watch as your Instagram becomes a gallery of moments that leave a lasting impression. 


5. Build a Community:

  • Connect with fellow mom-travelers! Engage with your audience, respond to comments, and be a part of the conversation. Building a community is like building a family.

Now, let's talk about the heart and soul of your Instagram journey – building a community. Because, let's face it, the joy of anything is even better when shared. So,  let's create a community that feels like one big, supportive family.

Imagine this: You're at a bustling airport, and you spot fellow moms with their little ones, all geared up for an adventure. That sense of camaraderie, the shared excitement – that's what we want to recreate on your Instagram.

  1. Connect with Fellow Moms:

    • Seek out like-minded moms in the vast Instagram universe. Follow accounts that resonate with your mom (or business niche) vibes, and don't be shy to initiate conversations. It's like finding your travel buddies in the virtual world.
  2. Engage with Your Audience:

    • Your followers aren't just numbers; they're real people, and they want to connect with you. Respond to comments, ask questions, and make them feel heard. Engagement is the secret sauce that turns a casual follower into an active member of your community.
      PRO TIP: especially for those first 1000 followers, you want to create friends that feel like they KNOW you. This means no comments left unanswered, every DM replied to etc. But rather than thinking of these are tasks that need to be fulfilled, it's better if you think of it as a friend. If a friend text you, you will likely reply to their text, right?
  3. Be a Part of the Conversation:

    • Join the ongoing discussions in the mom world. Share your experiences, offer tips, and celebrate the triumphs of your fellow moms. Building a community isn't a one-way street; it's a vibrant exchange of stories, advice, and laughter.

      We have actually gained a lot of followers from comments we've left on other creator's posts. Leaving a meaningful post is a recipe for connecting with THEIR audience but most people think engaging means writing "beautiful" and sharing a few emojis. Follow accounts in your niche that spark your interest and motivate you to create better content so you are excited to take part in their conversation.

Why Building a Community Matters:

  • Instagram is more than a platform; it's a space to connect with others who share your passion. Building a community amplifies the joy of your journey, and it creates a support system that uplifts and inspires.

Tips for Community Building:

    • Host Q&A sessions or polls in your Stories to encourage interaction.
    • Create a unique hashtag for your community to use and follow.
    • Collaborate with other mom/travel/business related accounts for joint ventures or features.


Remember, building a community is a journey in itself. It's about fostering connections, sharing experiences, and creating a space where every mom feels valued. So, let's turn those followers into family, one heartfelt conversation at a time.



10 Time-Saving Hacks for Busy Moms to Build an Instagram Empire. Read Blog


6. Instagram Stories Magic:

  • Utilize Instagram Stories for behind-the-scenes magic. Moms adore glimpses into your real, everyday life.

It's time to unlock the enchantment of Instagram Stories and sprinkle a bit of behind-the-scenes magic into your feed. Because let's be honest, in the world of mom life, the real, everyday moments are the ones that truly sparkle. So, grab your virtual wand, and let's weave some Instagram Stories magic!


Picture this: You're at the airport, juggling suitcases, snacks, and a curious toddler. Now, imagine capturing those candid moments and sharing the real, unfiltered side of your mom-travel journey. That's the enchantment we're aiming for with Instagram Stories.

  1. Behind-the-Scenes Realness:

    • Instagram Stories are your backstage pass to the magic of your everyday life. Share snippets of your travel prep, the chaos before takeoff, and the joyous reunions at your destination. Moms love to see the real you – the one navigating the challenges with grace and humor.
  2. Glimpses into Your Mom World:

    • Take your followers on a mini-adventure through your Stories. Whether it's exploring a new city, trying out local cuisine, or sharing travel hacks, these glimpses into your mom-travel world make your Instagram feel like a travel diary in real-time.

Why Instagram Stories Matter:

  • Stories are the secret ingredient that adds depth and authenticity to your Instagram presence. Moms adore the realness, the unscripted moments, and the connection that comes from sharing slices of your daily life.

FUN FACT: your story viewers are more likely to start conversations, buy from you, meet you in real life etc than any other follower on your feed.

Tips for Instagram Stories Magic:

    • Use features like polls and questions to encourage interaction. As a matter of fact, use any new feature instagram comes out with, especially for stories.
    • Share quick tips, fun anecdotes, or travel hacks through your Stories.
    • Don't be afraid to be spontaneous – Stories thrive on authenticity.

Remember, Instagram Stories are your canvas for creating everyday enchantment. Whether it's the laughter, the challenges, or the unexpected surprises, let your Stories be a testament to the magical journey of mom-travel.




7. Monetize Your Instagram:

  • Time to turn those likes into dollars! Explore sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, and collaborations that align with your mom-travel brand.


It's time to talk about turning your Instagram into a powerhouse of possibilities! Let's dive into the realm of monetizing your Instagram – because those likes are not just heart emojis; they're potential dollars waiting to make their way into your mom treasure chest. Ready to explore the avenues of sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, and collaborations that align seamlessly with your brand? Let's get this entrepreneurial party started!


Monetize Your Instagram: Transforming Hearts into Dollars!

Imagine this: Your Instagram feed, not just a source of inspiration but also a hub where your mom-travel adventures translate into financial freedom. Here's how you can make those likes work for you:


  • Explore Sponsored Posts: Brands love the authentic reach that mom influencers bring. Partner with brands that align with your mom-travel ethos. Whether it's a family-friendly travel product or a service that makes mom life easier, sponsored posts can be a win-win for both you and the brand.
  • Dive into Affiliate Marketing: Your recommendations are gold, and affiliate marketing lets you earn while sharing products you genuinely love. Explore partnerships with companies offering travel gear, kid-friendly gadgets, or anything that adds value to your mom-travel community.
  • Collaborate with Like-minded Brands: The power of collaboration is immense. Team up with brands that resonate with your audience. Whether it's a joint giveaway, a co-created product, or a shared vision, collaborations can open up new avenues for revenue.


Remember when we talked about WHAT you want to do with your account being so important? There are virtually endless ways to monetize instagram ( and almost every other social media platform) in today's world but knowing which route you will choose will play a big role in many decisions along your path like WHAT KIND OF CONTENT you want to be creating.

Example: If your goal is to partner with brands and all you create is funny meme type content, it will be hard for brands to visualize their products in your feed.


Why Monetizing Matters:

Monetizing your Instagram isn't just about the numbers; it's about transforming your passion into a sustainable business. It allows you to invest more time in creating the content your followers love while reaping the rewards of your mom-travel expertise. We know you probably don't have a lot of time for hobbies, and we believe the first years of motherhood is the best season of life to jump into making money out of what you love. So, stop looking at your instagram like a hobby and start earning!!


Tips for Successful Monetization:

    • Be selective. Only collaborate with brands that align with your values and resonate with your audience.
    • Get clear on how you want to monetize and move that route first: don't try all the monetization tactics at once, this will lead to burnout.
    • Disclose sponsored content transparently. Trust is the foundation of a successful mom-travel influencer.
    • Create a media kit showcasing your brand, engagement stats, and collaboration options.

Explore the monetization avenues that sync with your brand, and watch as your Instagram becomes a profitable extension of your passion.


10 Mom Niches that don't require you showing your face! Read Here


8. Master Instagram Analytics:

  • Dive into your Instagram Insights. Understanding your audience and post performance helps you tailor content that resonates.


We like to say that succeeding on instagram takes a perfect balance between art and science... Art is the creative part but without the science you're just shooting aimlessly...

Let's talk about a powerful tool in your mom  arsenal – Instagram Insights! It's time to dive into the data, unravel the mysteries of your audience, and master the art of tailoring content that not only speaks but resonates with your followers. Ready to turn those numbers into insights that fuel your Instagram journey? Let's unlock the potential together!


Master Instagram Analytics: Decoding the Language of Data!

Imagine this: You're at the airport, and instead of navigating the terminals blindly, you have a detailed map. That's what Instagram Insights does for your virtual journey. Here's how you can make it your trusted travel companion:


  • Dive into Your Instagram Insights: Head to your Instagram Insights – it's your treasure trove of data. From demographics to post reach, engagement, and beyond, these insights provide a roadmap to understanding your audience and how they interact with your content. Get comfortable with your analytics and get in the habit of checking them often. 
  • Understand Your Audience: Your followers are the heart of your Instagram community. Analyze the demographics – age, location, and interests. This insight helps you tailor your content to resonate with the unique makeup of your mom-travel audience.
  • Evaluate Post Performance: Not all posts are created equal. Analyze the performance of your content. Which posts receive the most engagement? What time do your followers seem most active? Use this data to optimize your posting schedule and content strategy.


Why Mastering Analytics Matters:

Instagram Insights isn't just about numbers; it's about understanding the pulse of your audience. When you grasp what resonates, you can fine-tune your content, enhance engagement, and foster a stronger connection with your mom-travel community.


Tips for Analytics Mastery:

    • Regularly check your Insights to stay updated on audience trends. We check about once a month so we can have enough data to compare.
    • Experiment with different types of content and analyze the response.
    • Use analytics to inform your future content strategy and business decisions.


Let's embrace the analytical side of our Instagram journey! With Instagram Insights as your guide, you can navigate the ever-evolving landscape of social media with confidence. Decode the language of data, tailor your content accordingly, and watch as your mom-travel community grows stronger with every insight.



9. Stay Authentic:

  • The golden rule – be you! Authenticity is your superpower. Moms appreciate genuine connections, so stay true to your mompreneurial journey.


The golden rule in the world of Instagram success – staying authentic! Because, let's face it, in a world filled with filters, genuine connections are like a breath of fresh air. Your authenticity is not just a superpower; it's the magic that makes your mompreneurial journey truly extraordinary. So, let's dive into the art of being unapologetically you and creating genuine connections that resonate with every mom scrolling through.


Stay Authentic: Your Superpower in the Mompreneurial Journey!

Imagine this: You're at a playdate, and you instantly connect with a fellow mom because you're both real, raw, and unfiltered. Your baby had a blowout and you left the wipes? Instead of running like crazy you ask a fellow mom for help instead of being embarrassed at the fail.... That's the essence of authenticity, and here's why it matters:


  • Be You, Unapologetically: Authenticity starts with embracing who you are. Share the highs and lows, the messy moments and the triumphs. Your followers aren't looking for perfection; they're looking for a mom they can relate to. Be unapologetically you!
  • Authentic Connections Matter:Moms appreciate genuine connections. When you share your real experiences, you create a space where others feel seen and understood. It's the kind of connection that goes beyond the screen, fostering a community that supports and uplifts.


Why Stay Authentic Matters:

Authenticity isn't just a buzzword; it's the cornerstone of your mompreneurial journey. It builds trust, establishes credibility, and forms the foundation of a loyal mom-travel community.


Tips for Staying Authentic:

    • Share the behind-the-scenes moments – the messy kitchen, the unplanned detours, and the real emotions.
    • Be honest about the challenges and joys of mom-travel. Your vulnerability is a strength.
    • Don't be afraid to show your personality. Whether you're goofy, witty, or serious, let your authentic self shine.

Let your authenticity be the guiding light in your mompreneurial journey. Stay true to who you are, share your unique story, and watch as your Instagram becomes a haven for genuine connections. Your superpower is being authentically, beautifully you!


And there you have it, lovelies! 9 steps to rock your Instagram game and fill your pockets while jet-setting with your little ones. 🌍✈️

Remember, it's not just about making money – it's about creating a community, sharing the love, and enjoying stress-free flights with your babies and toddlers.


Find out more instagram strategies to grow your business. Read Here!


Who's ready to conquer instagram?

We hope you found this article informative and enjoyable. As we bid you farewell until our next post, we invite you to dive deeper into our world.

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Until our next post, keep exploring and learning!


Happy Instagramming, super moms! 🌟