two dads playing with their babies

How to Keep Your Travel Lifestyle Alive After Having Kids

Jun 08, 2023

How to keep your lifestyle after having kids is one of the most pressing questions for moms to be. This isn't a surprise: as travelers we know once you start traveling you cannot imagine your life without it. That's why we have created the Travel Family Academy, to help you navigate the world of travel while still enjoying this new journey of motherhood. Here are some tips on how to keep your travel lifestyle alive after having kids.


Welcome to Parenthood and Adventure

Becoming a parent doesn't mean giving up on adventure. Quite the contrary! Parenthood opens the door to new, exciting journeys. It's about learning to travel differently, with kids in tow.


Parenthood Doesn't Mean the End of Travel

Here's a reality check: having kids doesn't mean the end of your travel lifestyle. Yes, it can be challenging, but absolutely rewarding. You'll just need to adjust your expectations and learn to embrace a new style of travel.


Check out all you need to know to master Newborn Travel in this blog post!



Travel with Kids: It’s a Family Affair

Traveling as a family means shared experiences, memories, and adventures. It's about learning and growing together, exploring new cultures, and seeing the world through your child's eyes. All of these enrich not just your travel experiences, but your life as a whole.


Preparation is Key

Successful travel with kids relies heavily on preparation. From packing essentials like diapers and baby food to preparing for changing routines and potential jet lag, you'll need to be ready for anything. Our Ready to Fly Mom course offers in-depth guidance and support for traveling moms.


Worried about how to prepare for your first family vacation? Because if you are we recommend joining our 5 day Planning Challenge where we help you create your perfect plan for your first family trip! JOIN HERE


Choose Family-Friendly Destinations

The world is filled with family-friendly destinations. Places with kid-friendly attractions, services, and facilities. Research, plan and choose locations that cater to the needs and interests of all family members. That way, everyone enjoys the trip!



Maintain Your Child's Routine

Keeping to your child's routine as much as possible while traveling can help them adjust to new environments. Regular nap times, meals, and bedtime can provide a sense of familiarity, reducing stress for your little ones.


Not sure how to get your baby to sleep in an airplane? Join our Workshop on Getting Babies to Sleep and guarantee your baby sleeps on every flight from now on!


Make Travel Fun for Kids

Make traveling an adventure for your kids. Engage them in planning, packing, and exploring. Let them help choose activities, or even surprise them with a new toy or book during the trip. The more fun they have, the more fun you'll have too!


Is flying with your little ones a challenge? It doesn't have to be. Register for our free class and learn the art of stress-free flying with kids


Self-Care: Essential for Traveling Parents

Taking care of yourself is vital, too. Ensure you rest, hydrate, and take time to relax and enjoy. Self-care is not selfish; it’s necessary to keep up with the demands of parenthood and travel.


Want to give your photos a seemless edit but not sure how?! Get our Mobile Presets and edit your vacation with just one click. GET IT NOW


Cherish the Journey

Remember, travel is about the journey, not just the destination. Take your time. Enjoy the ride. Cherish these moments with your family. They grow up fast, after all!



The Ready to Fly Mom Course

Need more guidance on keeping your travel lifestyle alive after having kids? The Ready to Fly Mom course is here to help. It's packed with strategies for stress-free travel, tips on packing, handling jet lag, and so much more.


Travel and Parenthood: A Beautiful Combo

In conclusion, parenthood and travel aren’t mutually exclusive. With preparation, flexibility, and a sense of adventure, you can continue your travel lifestyle, even after having kids. Remember, every journey you embark on is a new adventure waiting to be experienced with your little ones!


So where are you going for your first family vacation? 

Do you have any further questions? We would be happy to reply to any questions you have. Just send us an email at [email protected] Or get in touch through our contact page.

You can also subscribe to our mailing list. You can get updates on any new blog posts on traveling with babies/toddlers every week. 

Follow us on social media – Instagram, Facebook & Youtube. where we share tips on a daily basis about traveling with kids. 


Thank you for reading and we hope you enjoyed it. 



The TFA Family