toddler in airplane watching movie

How to keep your baby entertained on a plane - 10 ideas!

Feb 12, 2023

If you are traveling with your baby for the first time here is how to entertain your baby on a plane - 10 ideas! Long-haul flights with a baby can be challenging, we all either know that or can imagine.  The key though, is having the right preparation and entertainment, you can make the trip enjoyable for both you and your little one.


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Watch our tips on entertaining your toddler below 👇🏼




Here are the best ways we know how to entertain a baby on a plane - 10 ideas!


Pack a few toys:

Bring a few of your baby's favorite toys to play with on the plane.

When packing toys for your baby's flight, it's important to consider both the practical and entertainment value of each item. Of course, it's always a good idea to bring along a favorite toy or blanket to comfort your little one, but you also want to choose toys that are small, lightweight, and easy to pack in a carry-on.

One of the best toys for babies on flights are soft and plush toys, like stuffed animals or dolls. They're lightweight and can be easily packed in a bag, but they also provide comfort and familiarization for your baby. Additionally, toys that are soft and squeezable are great for teething babies, as they can be gently gnawed on during takeoff and landing to help relieve pressure in their ears. Other great options include board books, teething toys, and small toys that can easily be attached to a car seat or stroller for on-the-go play. Just be sure to pack a few extra toys, in case one gets lost or forgotten on the plane.



Bring books:

Pack a few children's books for your baby to look at and read during the flight.

When it comes to packing books for your baby's flight, it's all about finding books that are small, durable, and visually engaging. Board books are a great choice because they're lightweight and easy to pack, but they're also sturdy enough to withstand the wear and tear of travel. Look for books with bright, contrasting colors and simple, repetitive patterns, as these will be most visually appealing to young babies. Some of the best board books for babies on flights include classic favorites like "Where's Spot?" or "Goodnight Moon", as well as newer books with fun, interactive elements like lift-the-flap or touch-and-feel pages. These types of books not only provide entertainment for your little one, but they can also help develop important early literacy skills like visual tracking and object recognition.


Are you a parent planning a flight with your baby or toddler? Make your journey a breeze with our comprehensive ebook: "Baby on Board: Your Guide to Stress-Free Air Travel with Little Ones."



Use a tablet to entertain baby on a plane:

Load a tablet with games, videos, and educational apps for your baby to enjoy on the plane.

Tablets can be a lifesaver on long flights with babies and toddlers. They provide an engaging and educational form of entertainment that can keep your little one entertained for hours. With a variety of educational tablet games and apps, you can help your child learn and grow, even while in transit.

For example, games like "Peekaboo Barn" and "Petting Zoo" introduce young children to different animals and their sounds. "Monkey Preschool Lunchbox" teaches basic shapes, colors, and counting skills. And "Endless Alphabet" helps with letter recognition and word building. With a tablet, the options for educational entertainment are virtually endless, providing a convenient way to keep your child engaged and learning during a flight.



Bring a soft or swaddle blanket:

A soft or swaddle blanket can help your baby feel secure and comfortable on the plane.

Bringing a soft blanket or plush toy along on a flight with a baby or toddler is always a smart idea. Not only do they provide comfort and a sense of familiarity, but they can also serve a variety of practical purposes during the flight.


Here are five ways a blanket or plush toy can come in handy during air travel:
  1. As a comfort item during takeoff and landing to help soothe little ears.
  2. As a cushion for baby's head when they fall asleep.
  3. As a play mat for floor play during layovers or flight delays.
  4. As a cover for privacy during feeding or for use as a makeshift burp cloth.
  5. As a lightweight, packable alternative to a bulky travel pillow for a toddler or older child.


Having a trusty blanket or plush toy along for the ride can help make the flight a little cozier and less stressful for both you and your little one.


Use a pacifier:

A pacifier can help soothe your baby during takeoff and landing.

A pacifier can be a lifesaver during a flight with a baby or toddler. Not only does it provide comfort and a sense of familiarity for your little one, but it can also help alleviate pressure in their ears during takeoff and landing.

Having a pacifier on hand during a flight can also help soothe a fussy baby, making it easier for both you and your child to relax and get some much-needed rest during the flight. So, whether you're a seasoned traveler or taking your first family flight, don't forget to pack a trusty pacifier in your carry-on. Your little one (and your fellow passengers) will thank you!




Worried about ear pressure and what to do before take off/landing with a baby? Check out this blog post 


Offer snacks as a form to entertain your baby on the plane:

Pack some healthy snacks for your baby to munch on during the flight.

Bringing snacks along on a flight can be the difference between a calm, peaceful journey and a cranky, hunger-fueled meltdown. Having a variety of healthy and tasty options on hand can help keep both babies and toddlers happy, hydrated, and satisfied during the flight.


For babies, some great snack options include:
  1. Teething biscuits
  2. Rice cakes
  3. Puffs
  4. Yogurt bites
  5. Soft fruit like bananas or grapes.


For toddlers, consider packing:
  1. Cheese and crackers
  2. Trail mix
  3. Vegetable sticks
  4. Yogurt tubes
  5. Whole grain crackers or mini sandwiches.


Remember to also bring along a spill-proof sippy cup or water bottle to keep your child hydrated during the flight. With a little planning and preparation, you can ensure a happy, hunger-free flight for the whole family.


Grab a FREE Airport Diaper Bag Checklist to help you pack everything you need on travel days. 


Use a baby carrier:

 A baby carrier can help keep your hands free and your baby close and comforted.

A baby carrier can be an essential item to bring along on a flight with a baby or toddler. It provides a comfortable and convenient way to keep your little one close, while freeing up your hands for other tasks.


Here are five moments when a baby carrier can be especially useful during air travel:
  1. When navigating through busy airports or crowded airplane aisles.
  2. During layovers or long lines at security checkpoints.
  3. When your child falls asleep and you need to move around without disturbing them.
  4. When trying to soothe a fussy baby or toddler.
  5. When your child needs a break from their seat or stroller during a long flight.


Having a baby carrier on hand can make your travel experience smoother, more manageable, and less stressful for both you and your little one. So, be sure to pack it in your carry-on for your next family flight.




Take a walk to entertain your baby on the plane:

If your baby is fussy, take a walk up and down the aisle with them.

Getting up and taking a walk down the aisle of the plane with your fussy baby can be a lifesaver during a long flight. It gives both you and your little one a chance to stretch your legs, get some fresh air, and break up the monotony of the flight.


Here are five fun things you can do during your plane walk:
  1. Take a stroll up and down the aisle, making silly faces at your baby to make them smile.
  2. Visit the airplane's bathroom for a quick diaper change or to wash up.
  3. Stop by the flight attendant's station to say hello and ask for a glass of water or juice.
  4. Take a peek out the airplane's window to show your baby the clouds or the view below.
  5. Do some simple exercises or stretches to keep your energy levels up.


Taking a walk with your fussy baby can be a great way to help them (and you) relax and recharge during a flight. So, don't be afraid to get up and move around, even if it means disturbing other passengers for a few minutes. A happier, more relaxed baby will be worth it in the end!


Sing lullabies to entertain your baby on the plane:

Singing a lullaby can help soothe your baby and help them fall asleep on the plane.

Singing lullabies can be a wonderful way to keep your baby entertained and calm during a flight. The soothing sounds and repetitive motions can help lull them to sleep or simply keep them content and entertained.


Here are five simple lullabies you can sing to your baby during a flight:
  1. "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star"
  2. "Rock-a-bye Baby"
  3. "Hush Little Baby"
  4. "Mary Had a Little Lamb"
  5. "Rain, Rain, Go Away".

Remember, it's important to be considerate of other passengers on the flight, especially if it's nighttime. If your baby is fussy, try singing quietly or using other quiet forms of entertainment. The goal is to keep your baby (and you) happy, without disturbing others on the flight. With a little creativity and patience, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable flight for everyone. Just make sure you do not sing loudly or when others are trying to sleep.

TIP: see if there are empty seats on the back of the plane and move there temporarily if you want to sing ( or your baby wants to scream or sing) so you don't disturb others.



Play peek-a-boo to entertain your baby on the plane:

A simple game of peek-a-boo can be entertaining for your baby and help pass the time. Remember your child is probably craving some of your attention - yes, even if it seems you're together 24/7! A simple game of peek-a-boo can keep your child entertained for a while. It's also valid to let them play peek-a-boo with other passengers. Most adults will naturally play peek-a-boo with kids on their own.


Give them a bottle:

If your baby is hungry, offer them a bottle or a nursing session.

Giving your baby a bottle or breastfeeding during a flight can be a great way to keep them content and entertained. The comfort and familiarity of the feeding routine can help soothe them, especially during takeoff and landing when pressure changes can cause discomfort.


Here are a few tips to make the feeding process as smooth and stress-free as possible:
  1. Pack extra bottles and formula, or bring a breast pump if you're breastfeeding.
  2. Take advantage of the privacy of the airplane's bathroom for a quiet, comfortable feeding.
  3. Be prepared with a burp cloth or nursing cover for extra privacy and protection.
  4. Plan your feedings around takeoff and landing to help relieve pressure in your baby's ears.


With a little preparation, feeding your baby during a flight can be a simple and effective way to keep them calm and comfortable. So, make sure to pack those bottles or bring along your breast pump, and enjoy a peaceful, stress-free flight with your little one.



Keeping your baby entertained on a plane is essential to making the trip enjoyable for both you and your little one. By packing a few toys, books, and snacks, and using a tablet, a soft blanket, and a pacifier, you can help keep your baby entertained and comfortable during the flight. Don't forget to take breaks and walk around the cabin, and remember that sometimes simply cuddling and talking to your baby is the best entertainment of all. Happy travels!


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