Family Photo Tips

Dec 14, 2022

We have decided to put this post together to share with you the Best Family Photo Tips that we have learned while experimenting our own family photos. 

Currently we use a variation of items and ideas to create epic photos as a family. And we really enjoy creating more fun and full of life photos. 

Hoping this helps you take your photo game up a level and that these tips are helpful. 


tips and hacks for travel with a baby



Not everyone enjoys or understands why you would get a tripod just for family photos. But hear me out, since we got the tripod we now have full control on what to capture; plus we are all in the photo, rather than just being two of us and someone behind the camera. 

For us it resulted in a lot more photos of us as a family, which I am super pleased with. I have countless memories of all of us together and I can’t put a price tag on that. 

Also, I get to choose how the picture will look in terms of the framing. Because, even if you are somewhere and you ask a stranger to take a photo it won’t always be the best ones or it will not be to your liking. 

Do yourself a favour and get a tripod, trust us when we say you will not regret it. 


family photo hacks


Best Family Photo Tips: Interval timer or Clicker

We recommend having one of these, as it helps with having to run back and forth to set up the camera timer. 

With the interval timer all you need to do is set up how many photos you want to take. Plus how many seconds between each photo. 

When you use the clicker it sort of does the same thing as the interval timer. The only difference is you are the one in control of when to take the photo. 

The major difference between the two is that with the interval timer you will get more candid photos. And with the clicker you are in full control of when taking photos. 

Just make sure you hide the clicker from so its not being shown. 

Here you just need to know what is your preferenceand what you are looking for. Then add it to your gear so you can take your photo skills to the next level. 


tips and hacks for travel with a baby


Restful & Fed Kid is a winner

You want to have a fun, happy and successful photoshoot with your toddler then we suggest you choose the appropirate time for one. 

It is super easy to forget about these little things when you just want a quick photo. Remember that if this is the case it can take double the time due to uncooperative children. 

Make sure they have a belly filled with good food. And they have had enough sleep.  Because these combined are the perfect recipe for crankiness and moodiness. 

Fully fed and slept toddler is the best kind and most cooperative type of toddler! Also applies to adults, just saying. 


First Road trip with a baby


Best Family Photo Tips: Fast & Efficient

This might sound a bit obvious but the faster the better! 

It can take some time to set up, so we suggest you set everything up before hand. Things like the tripod, the camera and clicker or intreval timer. 

After everything is fully set up get everyone else involved. 

This way it makes it less saturating for the little ones and the ones that particularly don’t enjoy this activity.

The result will be you getting the shot you were looking for and not wasting too much time doing something not everyone is a fan of. 

It’s a win win situation. 


tips and hacks for travel with a baby


Have Fun

This is by far our best advice for amazing photos. Making it fun! 

Whenever we take photos as a family we tend to make a game out of it, and just let the camera do it’s thing. 

We throw our son in the air, we dance, we run, we jump around, you name it… 

Plus we love the candid photos so much! Specially when we are all having so much fun! 

This way you turn something quite boring into something more memorable. 

We can’t tell you the amount of photos we have that we look in the past that now we look at them and remember that exact moment. A moment that we created and had fun, had a great view and were together. 

It’s an amazing feeling, so remember take the shot and create memories. 


To Sum up 

Taking photos is a very personal experience, so you should do what makes you feel more comfortable.

What we suggest here is just a few of the Best Family Photo Tips you can try to make the process easier, and a lot more enjoyable for everyone. 

We have put together a guide with our 7 Favourite Family Poses (download here), that we have been quite successful with. We hope this can help you find your go to family pose and that you have fun! 

Currently we just fluctuate between these poses in a matter of 2 minutes and move on! But it did take us a while to figure these out. As well as, feeling comfortable doing them.

Our suggestion is to try a few of these and others and see which ones work best for your family. 


Solo travelling with a baby


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Thank you for reading and we hope you enjoyed it.