Benefits of Travelling with a baby

Dec 07, 2022

Travel has great benefits for everyone. Adults and children. And even though there are more difficulties when travelling with little ones, there is also great benefits to it. 

Benefits that in our opinion are are greater than the overplanning and any difficulties faced. 

I would like to add that this is seen to work with most children, but would also like to remind everyone that it is not for everyone. As with everything in life we are all different and we all function differently. 

  • Adaptability

With the help of travelling, children will be able to adapt to circumstances much easier than expected. 

They will learn that not everything will be as expected from a young age and will be able to learn that adapting to situations will be the way to go. 

This is an exceptional benefit to travel. Because adapting to the different life circumstances is a trait that takes time to develop and not everyone can or knows how to after growing up. So, learning the ability of how to adapt to what life throws at you is a great life skill and much easier to learn when young. 

But mostly its even better knowing that you won’t have to teach this as much if you decide to travel. Because your child will learn it by living it, and you’ll just have to knodge them into the right direction. 

  • Curiosity

Travel sparks curiosity. Curiosity to learn, to know, to explore. 

This is one of the best childern traits. They are filled with curiosity and when travelling this curiosity just keeps growing. When they grow up they will grow to being curious teenagers and adults which is something most of us lose once we get to teenagehood. 

Curiosity is one of the best feelings to have, even as an adult. You will thrive by wanting to know more, to learn more and to explore as much as possible. 

So, get your kids curious, let them enjoy this powerful life tool that will allow them to thrive in the future by always being curious to know more. 

  • Flexibility

This goes along side with Adaptability. The ability to adapt will teach them to be flexible. 

They will be flexible with where they sleep, with what they eat and with the different situations life throws at them. 

Being a flexible grown up is an incredible skill to have in any field. They will learn to go with the punches and be able to face any situation head on. Because they have the flexibility to adapt and change the course as they go by. 

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  • Exposure

This is probably my favourite benefit of all. 

By travelling you are exposing your child to different things, such as: people, foods, climate, beliefs etc. And being exposed to these from a young age, its such a beautiful thing. To allow them to learn how differently we all function, how differently each country works and have different life beliefs. 

This exposure will alow your child to grow as a responsible citizen, a citizen of the world. It will allow them to respect others. And to respect that we all function differently by showing other kindness and acceptance. 

One thing we all miss sometimes miss kindness and respect from others. There is not a day that goes by that someone probably looks at the way you are parenting, or the way you go about your life and judges you rather than accepting and respecting that we all do things differently. 

But when you expose children to how we are wired, work differently and have different beliefs, you are showing/teaching them that we need to understand this rather than denying it and judge the world for being different.  

  • Memories

Lastly, we will talk about the endless memories you will be collecting. 

Besides that your family travels are shaping your little ones, they are also creating amazing family memories. Even if your child is too small to remember, you will – Remember that!

But also even if other people or you think your kids won’t remember, they actually might. You never know until long ways in the future when you talk about it and they share a memory of that moment. 

So don’t let this fear stop you from travelling and enjoying beautiful family moments. Oh and take lots of photos and videos, no better way to refresh your memory than with hard evidence! 

Check out our mobile presets that can help you transform your photos into a beautiful captured moment with one click edit.


To conclude 

Contrary to mainstream belief, travelling has great benefits for your little ones. And you will only regret not travelling, not the other way around. 

But also, if you are not a fan of travelling then don’t feel like you are missing out, as long as you are living your life as you want and following your dream life then you have nothing to regret or feel bad about. Gentle Reminder that we are all different and have different beliefs. 

Also, we have heard so many times from people that they don’t understand why we travel with our son because he is so small and he won’t remember. Even though that might be true for the time being, all of the memories we have created and captured we will be able to share it with our boy once he is older. And thats an experience we cannot wait to share with him. 

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Thank you for reading and we hope you enjoyed it. 



The TFA Family