toddler in a airplane

7 tips to help toddlers have a great flight

Jan 20, 2023

Flying with a toddler can be a daunting task for any parent, but with a little preparation and planning, it can be a great experience for both you and your child. Here are 7 tips to help  toddlers have a great flight: from preparing them in advance, packing familiar items, snacks, entertainment and more.

With these tips, you can make your child's flight more comfortable and enjoyable. Keep reading to learn how to make flying with a toddler a breeze!

You can also check out our Vlog on the topic here!



  • Prepare your child in advance

Start talking to your child about the upcoming flight a few weeks in advance. This will help them to understand what to expect and reduce anxiety. Show them pictures or videos of airplanes, the airport and the inside of the plane. This will help them to familiarize themselves with the environment and make the experience less daunting.Explain to your child what to expect during the flight, such as take off and landing, and use positive language to help them feel excited and not scared.


  • Pack familiar items

Pack familiar items such as a favorite toy or blanket to provide comfort during the flight. Bring a few small surprises or new toys to keep your child entertained during the flight. Consider bringing child-friendly headphones and a tablet with pre-loaded games, movies or educational content. These items will be essential in keeping your child engaged and entertained throughout the flight, making the time pass more quickly and reducing the chances of fussy behavior.


  • Pack snacks and drinks

Bring snacks and drinks that your child likes, and also consider bringing a small amount of their usual food. This can help reduce the chances of your child getting fussy or hungry during the flight. Pack more than you think you will need, as flights can often be delayed.



  • Pack entertainment

Pack a variety of activities to keep your child entertained during the flight, such as coloring books, stickers, and small toys.

Here are some of our favorites!


  • Dress comfortably

Dress your child in comfortable clothing that is easy to move around in. Avoid anything too tight or restrictive. Make sure your child is well-rested and dressed comfortably for the flight. Loose clothing and comfortable shoes are a must for long flights. Have your child wear comfortable clothing, as they may need to move around and play during the flight.


  • Be patient and understanding

Remember that your child is still learning and may have a hard time understanding the experience of flying. Be patient and understanding with them, and remind them that you are there to help them have a great flight.

Looking for ideas on how to entertain your toddler in the flight? Check out this post!


  • Documents

Make sure your child's passport and any necessary travel documents are up to date and in order. This will help to avoid any potential delays or issues at the airport. Double-check all the necessary documents, as well as your child's passport expiration date, as some countries require a valid passport for children up to 18 years old.



In conclusion, flying with a toddler can be a fun and enjoyable experience with the right preparation. By talking to your child about the flight, packing familiar items and entertainment, ensuring they are well-rested and comfortable, and preparing all necessary documents, you can help to make the trip stress-free for everyone. 

By following these tips, you can help your child have a more comfortable and enjoyable flight. Remember to be patient and understanding. It is also worth noting that every child is different and some may take to flying more easily than others, but with a positive attitude and the right preparation, you can make flying with a toddler a pleasant and memorable experience.


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Thank you for reading and we hope you enjoyed it. 



The TFA Family