parents with toddler in airplane

17 ways to handle a crying baby on a plane

Feb 14, 2023

You've booked your summer vacation tickets but now you're worried your baby will cry all flight long? Here are 17 ways to handle a crying baby on a plane. Traveling with a baby is already a daunting task, but what happens when your little one starts crying on the plane? It's a situation that every parent dreads, but with the right tips and tricks, you can handle it with ease.


Let's take a look at 17 ways to handle a crying baby on the plane:



Pack a pacifier or two in your baby's carry-on bag. It can be a lifesaver for soothing a crying baby on a plane.

Soothing your baby with a pacifier during takeoff and landing can be a lifesaver for both baby and parents. The sucking motion can relieve pressure on the ears and calm a crying baby. Keeping a pacifier handy in your carry-on is always a good idea.


Check out how to prepare your toddler for take off and landing HERE


Comfort items are a great resource to handle a crying baby on the plane:

Bring a comfort item from home, like a favorite blanket or toy, to help your baby feel more at ease.

Familiar comfort items like a blanket, stuffed animal or lovey can be a source of comfort and security for your baby. Pack their favorite comfort item in your carry-on to help them feel relaxed and at ease during the flight.



You can never go wrong with a Feeding if you want to handle a crying baby on the plane:

If your baby is hungry, offer a bottle or breastfeed to help calm them down. Regular feedings can help soothe a fussy baby on a plane. If you're breastfeeding, nurse or bottle-feed your baby during takeoff and landing to help them adjust to changes in air pressure. If you're formula-feeding, bring enough formula and bottles for the flight.


White noise:

A white noise machine or app can help soothe a crying baby on a plane. The hum of the airplane engine and other flight sounds can be overwhelming for babies. A white noise machine or app can help block out background noise and soothe your baby during the flight.





Rocking your baby or taking a walk down the aisle can help calm them down.

Gentle movement can be calming for a fussy baby. Take a walk up and down the aisle, sway back and forth, or rock your baby in your arms to help them relax.



If your baby is feeling fussy, try swaddling them in a blanket for a cozy and comforting sensation. Swaddling can help your baby feel safe and secure, which can lead to less fussiness. A swaddle blanket or wearable blanket can be a convenient option for the plane.



If your baby is having a hard time sitting still, take them for a walk around the airport or use a stroller on the plane. Having a stroller at the airport and on the plane can be helpful for traveling with a baby. It can be used to transport your baby through the airport, and can also be used as a mobile bed during the flight.



Not sure what stroller to pick? Check our post on the Best Travel Strollers of 2023


Change of scenery:

If your baby is getting fussy, take them for a walk around the airport or try changing their surroundings.  Take a walk around the airport or step outside for a change of scenery.



Engage your baby with toys, games, and songs to keep their attention and distract them from crying. Pack plenty of distractions in your carry-on to keep them occupied during the flight.




Pack books, toys, and other distractions to keep your baby entertained during the flight. Pack a variety of options in your carry-on to keep your baby entertained and soothed.


Struggling to figure out how to entertain your baby ? Check out our Blog Post on Flight Entertainment


Soothing music:

Soft music can help calm and soothe your baby on a plane. Play lullabies or other calming music to create a peaceful atmosphere for your little one.



Take turns:

If you're traveling with a partner or family member, take turns holding and soothing the baby. This can help you both get some rest and recharge for the next portion of the flight.



Try to book flights during your baby's nap time to maximize sleep and minimize fussiness. If your baby is well-rested, they may be more likely to stay calm and content during the flight.


Deep breathing:

Practicing deep breathing techniques with your baby can help them relax and calm down. Try taking slow, deep breaths together to help soothe and calm your little one.




Feeling lost about flying with a baby or a toddler? Join The Ready To Fly Mom, the most inclusive course on flying with babies and toddlers. CHECK HERE


Extra clothes:

Pack an extra set of clothes in case of spit-up, leaks, or accidents. It's always better to be prepared for any potential messes during the flight.


Be prepared:

Have everything you need for your baby, like diapers, wipes, and snacks, easily accessible. Being well-prepared can help minimize stress and make the flight more enjoyable for everyone.


Stay calm:

Remember, a crying baby on a plane is a common occurrence. Stay calm and handle the situation with patience and grace. Taking a deep breath and reminding yourself that this is a temporary situation can help you stay level-headed




A crying baby on a plane can be stressful, but with the right tips and tricks, you can handle it with ease. From pacifiers and comfort items to feeding, white noise, and attention, you'll have the tools to keep your little one calm and content during your flight. So pack your bags, take a deep breath, and enjoy the adventure of traveling with your baby!


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The TFA Family